Sunday 13 May 2012


I know, I know, it's been a while. I have a tendency to loose interest in creative projects like blogging after a while. I need a push to keep going.

It's been a hectic few weeks, we've looked at some houses, I've kicked my eBaying up a notch, Bamm! :) my college course is coming to a head with my final exam this Friday. So lots of distractions to use as excuses for not doing anything creative. Oh and I also drastically reduced my caffeine intake this month, so napping is my new favorite pass time.

It also doesn't help my procrastination that there is more music, video, blogs, facebook updates, twitter posts, news, games, comedy and movies made every day than it is possible to ever watch! If they ever invent that 'head-jack' thing from the matrix, we won't be learning how to fight or fly helicopters or speak norwegian, we'll use it to catch up on box sets. I long for the day when I can download every episode of the sopranos directly into my brain.

So heres how it goes; I get enthusiasticly into a creative thing, then loose interest once I have solved the 'puzzle' of how it works. It's kinda obsessive compulsive attention deficit disorder. I loathe the kind of 'self-motivation' crap that people buy into to solve this kind of creative procrastination, I think it just needs the right person to tell you to snap out of it, whether a friend or family member, if that person is yourself that's cool too. 

On a side note 'self-help' is the most annoying term in the world to me. If you could help yourself, why would you need a book/dvd/seminar? I'll try to keep at this with some old fashioned other person help. Thanks for the push Laura :) x

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