Wednesday 4 April 2012

Fight the power

This image of Anon has been on my phone and wallet for months. Like many people I have become increasingly frustrated with the 1% and the way they treat the other 99%

Whilst not the placard waving, live in a tent type, I do feel the need to point out the shady horribleness that is going on with the powerful elite. The last few weeks have seen all too much of this.

Lets start with the goverment. The are destroying the NHS, messing with education, have plans to privatise the roads, cutting taxes for millionaires, spying on every uk citizen's web activities. Not to mention the plan for secret trials,  selling policy descisions for a few hundred grand, and intentionally causing panic over fuel to screw with the unions. All in the past few weeks. Shocking!

Then there is big media, in particular the Murdoch empire. First the phone hacking at multiple Murdoch papers, now little Jimmy Murdoch is quitting BskyB (i'm geussing because he knew about the NDS competitor sabotage plan). You can't really play clueless when you are the billionaire family at the head of a multinational global empire with an obvious focused agenda across all of it's parts. Money drives Murdochs; from cancelling firefly (F**K YOU FOX) as soon as the ratings dip, to changing the outcome of an election to elect a government who will help the rich and keep the poor in line.

Speaking of the rich, people are hating on the bankers. At least they are honest about thier motivations. Money! Money! Money! They are doing a job and only a few of them are the evil manipulating millionaire bastards that we think of when you say "banker".

Not sure what the solution is, some kind of revolution maybe? Political, financial, social, who knows? I do have hope that the internet is a force for change, with the Arab spring and the occupy movement, there is something brewing. Like I said i just wanted to point out the things I see.

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