Saturday 17 March 2012

Tiredness and Hunger Games

I only got three hours sleep last night. Totally worth it though. In anticipation of the film being released in the UK I got the Hunger Games trilogy on my kindle and started reading. That was at 10 last night. By 3 am I had read about 2/3 of it and only gave up because I physically couldn't keep my eyes open.

It's such a good book, clearly written for teens but great for anyone who's interested in dystopian visions of the future. It's so bleak but also inspiring. Now I love zombies (as the blog title kinda gives away) but I'll go for any story that shows humans at their worst and best all at once with a backdrop of action and horror. Hunger games does that perfectly. I can't recommend it enough.

This reminded me of another book I read a few months ago. not it's plot but the questions it raised about what kind of person I am. How to I see myself in a sci-fi future. Battling Aliens with laser pistols, fending off the undead or roaming the endless empty earth.

In his book "Zombie Spaceship Wasteland", author and comedian Patton Oswalt says that sci-fi nerds can be split into one of these three categories. If you imagine yourself in a zombie apocalypse you see hope for yourself in the world you are in now, but that you can band together with others like you to survive. If you see a wasteland you have given up the hope and see yourself alone within the world as it is. If a spaceship is what you see then you just want to leave it all behind, go somewhere and start a new.

I know what I am, do you?

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