Wednesday 28 March 2012

Could I Live Without TV?

It's been a year since I stopped watching live TV. Originally it was just because I bought a new TV and didn't bother connecting the sky box to it. After a few weeks I realised I didn't need to. 90% of the programmes I watch are American so I can see them weeks earlier online on demand without adverts. So I cancelled Sky, the Freeview switch happened and I didn't notice. I download the shows I like when they air whether in the States or the UK, I can watch what I like, when I like. No adverts or repeats (unless I choose to re-watch something awesome). 

Plus I've started really enjoying web-shows, perfectly tailored to me. Stuff about hacking, modding, zombies, and all kinds of nerd culture. there are channels as well as cool one off videos. I'm going to post a few of my favourites below. Enjoy!

Vihart - cool math related doodling and ideas

thebenheckshow - guy who builds xbox laptops and stuff

Hak5Darren - Shuriken for IT Ninjas!

ZombieGoBOOM - zombie related weapon tests

watchtheguild - web comedy about MMORPG gamers

So with all these and a bunch more I have a lot to watch. If normal TV stopped tomorrow, I think I'd be OK.

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