Friday 23 March 2012

Without a Map Hunger Games Has Lost it's Way

We watched the movie adaptation of The Hunger Games last night. Disappointing to say the least. They have cut the horror and violence to a bare minimum (even more so in the UK cut) to make it more kid friendly, I get that but don't agree with it. But what's worse is they have cut so many little moments that develop the characters and explain their relationships. I think the actors did well with what they were given. There seems to be a lot cut out. If they did the book right it would have been a 3 hour film which I know is not feasable, they just cut it down in such a way that much of the character motivation is gone and that bummed us out.

Anyway, enough of that. Back to the books where all the effects are better, the characters more rounded and the Hunger Games feel truly horrific. A long long week ago when I read the first book, my friend Laura said it would be cool to see a map of Panem and I thought so too. So today to Google I went!

Sadly there is no official map of Panem :-(

People have different opinions of where the districts are. The one above is close but I have a few bones to pick (naturally)

District 12 is identified as being in what was once appalachia putting it in the north east of the US. Spot on there I think.

The Capitol is north of district 2 which has a large mountain with a command base under it (Norad maybe). So that fits with this map.

The other low numbered districts being near the capitol makes sense so I'll go with the placement of 1 and 3 (gold and precious stones mining in the desert states, and electronics development in California makes sense). but district 4 is in my opinion totally in the wrong place. It should be on the north west coast of the U.S, Washington, Oregon and N. California not down south. 

The other theory I have concerns Districts 5 + 6. Now although it's debated what is produced there, some people agree that 5 is power generation and 6 is transportation.

I think the person who made this map put transportaion over Michigan because Detroit is historically known for car manufacturing. 

My theory though is that it is more a central transportation hub and should be where 6 is on this map.
That would put 6 right next to 12, providing coal for the power plants makes sense to me.

Other than that I'd probably make 8 smaller and 9 bigger (grain production is going to need much more space than textile factories). 

That's just my theory, how I imagine it. That's it I suppose, the books allow for this type of theorising. You can imagine the tracker jackers being huge. or how magestic the Cornucopia looks. In a movie that is taken away.

They say never meet your heroes, maybe don't watch the movie version of a book you like either.

having said that:

Related Thing

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